a closeup of the smoke & fire from a camp fire

Our Story

Humans burned organic materials such as wood and brush for warmth and cooking for hundreds of years. As we moved from the rural woods and into towns and cities, pollution from burning started to become a problem. While wood is a good source of renewable energy, for it to burn cleanly it must be properly dried. The process of drying cordwood can take two to three years for the wood to be ready and efficient for burning.

Pellets inside of the hopper of a Sun Mountain Stove Works pellet stove.

The Perks of Pellets

As electricity became available, new ways of burning wood byproducts like sawdust and compressed pellets became more popular. The pelletizing process reduces the moisture content to 4-8% allowing the wood to burn cleaner and more efficiently. Pellet fuel is cleaner (no bugs) and easier to store than cordwood.

The electric pellet stove is one of the most efficient and cleanest ways of burning wood. Wood pellets are made from waste byproducts that come from manufacturing lumber products. While the electric pellet stove is a cleaner option than wood stoves, it still requires electricity to operate a multi-component mechanical system to burn the pellets. This system requires two energy sources (electricity and pellets) to create heat. Many of these components are prone to failure. Failure by any one component or a power outage results in no heat.

The 2 stage burn chamber of the Sun Mountain Stove Works pellet stove.

Our Burn System

The patented burn system (2 US patents) in Sun Mountain Stoves not only operates with no electricity but also has no mechanical parts. It uses gravity to feed the pellets into the natural draft multi-stage burn chambers. This system operates so efficiently it emits less than 1/4 of the allowable particulate emissions (EPA max 2.0 grams per hour.) making Sun Mountain Stoves top of their class Worldwide.

Our mission At Sun Mountain Stove Works is to build some of the world’s finest heating appliances. Indoors or outdoors, on or off the grid, and as emergency heaters, we will continue to innovate and create. We proudly build in Oregon, USA.

Reserve Your Sun Mountain Pellet Stove Today*

Sun Mountain Pellet Stoves will be sold to reservation holders on a first-come first-serve basis. Current availability is limited. Payment is due upon stove availability and order confirmation. All prices are FOB and subject to change without notice.
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